When you notice changes with your hearing, an appointment with an audiologist is the first step that you must take. Not only will they effectively test your hearing for you, but they will also be able to take you through your new need for hearing aids and what the problem is in the first place. You’ll have an appointment dedicated to learning all about your hearing aids and how to fix them, how to use them and how to change the battery when needed.

If you notice that your hearing aids aren't working, then the best thing that you can do is to contact your audiologist and discuss hearing aid repairs. Before you do that, though, there are a few things that you can try before you book that appointment. You don't have to be a genius about your hearing aids and if the issue feels complicated, don't worry about trying to fix it yourself. Here are a few things that you can try if your hearing aids are refusing to work.


The first thing that you should check is the battery. Hearing aid batteries don't last much longer than a few days, especially when you are wearing your hearing aids all the time. Sometimes, the battery can be faulty, and other times it could just be dead! If your hearing aid is working again once you put in new batteries, then you can carry on without seeing your audiologist for hearing aid repairs. If the hearing aid still doesn't work, then it’s a good idea to get an appointment.


The next thing to check is the microphones, the receiver tubes and all the pieces of your hearing aids for any dirt and debris. Wax and skin buildup can affect the integrity of your hearing aids, so don't be surprised if you need to give them an extra wipe over. When the tubing is blocked, the sound cannot move anywhere and all it takes is a gentle clean to get them working again.

The On and Off Again Method

It’s an old one but a good one: switch your hearing aid on and off. If you notice that it’s still not working, then the issue goes beyond the connection wires in the hearing aid. Try opening the battery doors and removing them, turning the entire device off and giving it a few minutes. This is a standard practice, but if it doesn't work, call your audiologist for hearing aid repairs.

When you do go to see your audiologist, the issue may be something that they can fix there and then for you. If they can't, you risk being without your hearing aid for a while as they send it off for repairs. The best thing that you can do is try all these troubleshooting options and then speak to the professionals, as they will be able to tell you everything that you need to know about your hearing aids and what to do about them.