Many individuals experience hearing loss throughout their lives. Fortunately, hearing loss is easily treated by wearing a hearing aid or other treatment methods, which can help to make certain frequencies clearer. However, to determine which frequencies need to be amplified, a hearing test needs to be carried out.

Hearing tests are recommended for anyone who is experiencing hearing issues or anyone who is over 65. They are typically carried out by an audiologist and can provide an accurate idea as to the quality of your hearing.

What Happens During a Hearing Test?

Hearing tests are straightforward non-invasive examinations that usually take 30 minutes to an hour to complete. They usually take place in a soundproofed room. This setting is designed to create a silent environment in which all distracting noises are blocked out so that you can concentrate on the test itself. You will be sat in a chair and asked to wear headphones, these headphones are attached to a machine called an audiometer. This audiometer generates various sounds which then play through your headphones.

These sounds are played at different pitches and volumes to help text the full range of your hearing. When you hear a sound, you must press a button. The results are then plotted onto a graph called an audiogram. This tells your audiologist exactly which frequencies you were able to hear and which frequencies you were unable to hear.

Other tests may involve playing words at low volumes and having you repeat them back. This is sometimes used to determine your most comfortable level of listening as well as which sounds you can hear. The results are then used to help prescribe you a hearing aid if necessary. Using the audiogram, an audiologist determines exactly which frequencies may need to be amplified to help you hear more clearly.

Can I Do a Hearing Test at Home?

You do not have to leave your home to undertake a hearing test. Online hearing tests are an option that are becoming more common and work by similarly playing a series of sounds which you have to react to.

It’s important that the test is taken in an area of your home that is truly quiet so that no background noises interfere with the test. You also need to make sure that you are wearing good quality headphones. Generally speaking, hearing tests taken at a clinic are more accurate because the test room and equipment are purpose built for such tests.

How Do I Schedule a Hearing Test?

Scheduling a hearing test is easy and is something anyone can do. You simply need to contact your local audiologist and find out what times are available. You may be able to schedule an appointment sometime in the next few days.

If you hearing test shows that you have hearing loss, you may need a hearing aid. If you need a hearing aid, it may be possible to choose the right device for you and have it fitted on the same day as your hearing test. However, if you require a hearing aid with a custom mold, a follow-up appointment with your audiologist may be necessary.

Tags: audiogram, how-to guides