When you think about earwax, you may believe it to be an unnecessary part of the human body. However, it can cause useful purposes as long as it is not messed with or left to build up too much over time. Ear cleaning with a hearing health professional should be part of your regular health routine as this can prevent earwax impactions and further complications. Informing yourself on earwax impactions and how they can affect your health is important, so here is everything you need to know.

Main Symptoms of Impacted Earwax

Some of the common symptoms of impacted earwax include a feeling of fullness in the ear, itching, tinnitus, difficulty hearing, earache or dizziness. Once the earwax has been professionally removed, these symptoms can go away and the person can feel a sense of relief.

The Most Common Cause of Impacted Earwax

Generally speaking, impacted earwax is not dangerous, but it is important to seek out professional help if you suspect you have a blockage in your ear. Impacted earwax mainly occurs when people try to clean out their ears with a cotton swab or finger. Using small implements can actually push the earwax further down the ear canal where it can then buildup and become impacted.

Natural Causes of Impacted Earwax

Excessive earwax is another cause of impacted earwax, which cannot always be avoided. Some people’s bodies naturally produce more earwax than they need, which can cause buildups. Wearing hearing aids, headphones or having very narrow ear canals can also cause impacted earwax.

Removing Impacted Earwax

If you suspect that you have impacted earwax it is very important to seek out a hearing health professional. Getting rid of impacted earwax should never be done at home, and unfortunately, it won’t fix itself or go away without some sort of medical intervention. Over time the wax becomes hardened and stuck so normal movement of the jaw doesn’t help the wax to clear naturally anymore.

If you have been affected by impacted earwax, you may find it useful to know that it is a very simple and pain free procedure. Your hearing health professional will be able to talk you through the process and tell you all about how they remove the impaction in your ear.

Always Seek Professional Advice Regarding Earwax Impactions

In most cases, earwax serves as a self-cleaning and protective agent to your ear. Over time your earwax will naturally move out of your ear through the ear canal and fall out. This is a healthy process, which most people don’t always realize happens behind the scenes!

It is important to remember that earwax impactions can occur when earwax is left to buildup, which could lead to infections. Visit your local hearing health professionals if you have any concerns regarding earwax impactions. They are fully trained and will be able to help you get to the root of the problem quickly so that you can be relieved of any discomfort it may be causing you.