There are all kinds of hearing aid styles out there, and it makes sense to learn about them before you decide which is going to be right for you. We’ve picked out some of the best hearing aid styles available, and we’re going to talk about what makes each of them unique. You should read on now, find out all about them and then make an informed decision regarding which will be the best for you.

In the Ear (ITE)

ITE hearing aids are some of the most commonly used hearing aids available at the moment. They sit in the outer bowl, meaning there’s no part of the device that has to sit behind the ear. For some people, that offers the compact size and discretion they’re looking for.

These hearing aids are still visible but they’re smaller than behind-the-ear hearing aids. They’re very comfortable to wear but still big enough for people to handle with ease. They’re not the smallest type of hearing aid on the market, so controlling the and tweaking the settings is still easy.

Behind the Ear (BTE)

BTE hearing aids are much bigger and less discreet than the other options we’re going to discuss today. Nevertheless, they do have the benefits to weigh up and consider too. These hearing aids are much easier to use and the settings can be tweaked even by people who have dexterity issues. They also often have more features because they’re bigger, meaning more can be packed into them. So, if you don’t mind them being seen and noticed, you might want to consider them.

In the Canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids sit in the ear canal, deeper than ITE options, but not as completely hidden in the ear canal as completely-in-canal hearing aids, which we’ll discuss next. These hearing aids are discreet, comfortable and for many people, they get the balance right. For most people, they’re still big enough to control with ease, making it simple to switch settings or change the battery when needed.

Completely in Canal (CIC)

CIC hearing aids are the smallest options available right now. They’re best suited to people who value discretion and a small size above all else. As the name suggests, they sit completely in the canal, further inside the ear than ITE options.

Obviously, there’s no component that sits behind the ear or anywhere else. They’re usually custom made to fit the individual’s ear canal and they tend to be very lightweight as well. A drawback is that the small form factor makes the buttons and settings a little harder to control.

These are some of the best hearing aid styles available today. If you want to find out even more about them and get help with deciding which of them is going to suit you and your needs best, you simply need to get in touch with your audiologist and they’ll be able to provide the help you’re looking for.