An audiologist can identify the exact type of hearing aids that you might need to alleviate your hearing loss. The goal is to get it back to a reasonable level to eventually hear as you usually would. Audiologists are experts in hearing aid knowledge and perform some simple tests so that they can fit the best device for you.

Audiologists are also experts in how hearing aids work. As a result, they can identify and repair problems with your hearing aid. This relates to your perception when using them and any damage they have received. Additionally, your audiologist will also advise you on several items, such as the best device for your lifestyle, how to properly fit a device, programming and maintenance.

Get the Right Device for You

Some devices aren't suited to all activities, even the larger behind-the-ear (BTE) devices. For example, gentle movement and walking activities such as yoga, gentle exercise or everyday tasks, a BTE will usually suffice. But a BTE may come loose for anything strenuous.

You should book a fitting so you can speak to your audiologist about choosing an appropriate hearing aid. But the choice is ultimately up to you. For most people, a BTE device is exemplary. But strenuous activities require a more suitable in-the-ear (ITE) or in-the-canal (ITC) device. These are less prone to loosening as they fit snugly inside the ear.

Learn How to Fit a Device

Depending on the hearing aid you have installed, there are various ways of inserting and using it correctly. Here is a quick overview, but you should consult your audiologist during your appointment about any concerns.

In-the-Canal (ITC) 

The device should fit into your ear perfectly if it has been appropriately measured.

In-the-Ear (ITE)

With the colored dot facing upward, place the hearing aid tip inside your ear canal. Then gently pull your ear outward, ease the device down your canal and adjust it to fit your natural contour.

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

First, sit your hearing aid processing unit behind your ear. Next, position and gently slide the microphone towards your ear canal and gently insert it.

The process of inserting and removing your hearing aid takes some getting used to. Still, with practice, you will become adept at removing and inserting your device. 

Learn How to Program Your Hearing Aid

No matter what make or model you use, each device is programmable. During your fitting, your audiologist will take the time to adjust and program your hearing aid while you are there. However, your audiologist will change the settings to that specific environment. There will be situations where you might need to turn your device's sensitivity up or down, so make sure you ask for an explanation on how to do this.

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Cleaning a hearing aid is relatively simple. ITE and ITC hearing aids can be gently cleaned using a soft brush and a dry cloth. In addition, you can gently wash a BTE mold and tube in warm, soapy water. At-home maintenance is an excellent method of prolonging the life of your device. But it is advised that you have your instrument cleaned every six to 12 months by your audiologist. If in doubt, ask your audiologist for cleaning instructions.