Having a hearing aid fitting is exciting, and knowing what to expect beforehand can help you prepare even better. After all, it is a big thing – you will finally be able to hear more clearly, and it will be the chance for you to find out more about your hearing aid and how it will benefit you going forward. Your hearing aid fitting is the chance to meet with your audiologist to discuss the hearing aids you will be getting and ensure they are the perfect fit. You would have already walked through the available treatment options for you and decided on the best ones for you, and now it is time to get them customized to your body.

Your audiologist will conduct testing

You will be wearing your hearing aids on a regular basis, and therefore they must be as comfortable as possible. Your audiologist will do an ear measurement to determine how much amplification is required for your ears. They will measure this by putting a small tube inside your ear canal that is connected to a microphone. They will adjust the volume of the aid and see which is best for you to optimize your hearing experience.

You will get given your hearing aids

Your audiologist will give you your hearing aids, and you will be able to try them on. They will check that they fit properly and are as comfortable as can be for you. You will instantly notice a difference in how well and how clearly you can hear. You will have a chance to ask any questions that you might have about your hearing aids, and it is important to be honest and open with your audiologist about how they feel. They only want the best for you, so they can help to sort this out and ensure they fit well and are easy to wear.

You will be shown how to use your hearing aids

Likely, you will not know the best ways to wear and keep your hearing aids, which is what your audiologist will show you. They will teach you how to care for your hearing aids to ensure they stay in good working condition. This is important to help ward off extensive repairs and maintain the longevity of the device.

These are just a few of the main things you can expect from your hearing aid fitting appointment. Remember that it is not a scary experience, and they are there to help you hear well again. If you have any questions, it could be an idea to write them down beforehand, so you don't forget them on the day.